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Second Saturday Webinar – The Mustin Family and the Navy Reserve: A Thirteen Decade Legacy

On the occasion of Vice Admiral John Mustin’s promotion and assumption of Command of the Navy Reserve, the Naval Historical Foundation is pleased to host another ‘Second Saturday’ Webinar at 11:00am (EDT) August 8: 

“The Mustin Family and the Navy Reserve: A Thirteen Decade Legacy”

This webinar will feature dueling authors with NHF’s Dave Winkler discussing his book Ready Then, Ready Now, Always Ready — a centennial history of the Navy Reserve. Author John Morton will overview his book Mustin: a Naval Family of the 20th Century, which has been featured on the CNO Recommended Reading List for “Leadership and Management” –

The two authors will look at the long and storied tradition of service by the Mustin family and the Navy Reserves.

Register for our FREE event today:

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